Jan Edmund Celie
Ghent University, Belgium
Jan E. Celie is a clinical psychologist/psychoanalyst with a private practice. His main perspective on treatment is a Freudian-Lacanian perspective. He has been puzzled and fascinated at the same time, by the rising prevalence figures for depression worldwide. Five years ago, at the age of 50, he went back to research and study at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Ghent (Belgium). In 2018, following upon this research, he will defend a doctoral dissertation in which he develops mainly three arguments: the diagnostic construct of depression lacks scientific foundation; and neither the psychotherapeutic nor pharmacological EBTs for depression are as firmly ‘evidence-based’ as their proponents claim. He suggests that, rethinking depression globally, we might need to abandon our faith in treatment, and focus on societal origins and preventive measures; – which is largely a matter of politics.
Abstract : The depression conundrum and the advantages of uncertainty