Luis Moya Albiol
Universitat de València, Spain
Title: Intimate partner violence perpetrators’ response to an emotion induction task: facial expressions and sexism
Biography: Luis Moya Albiol
The current study investigates possible neuropsychological markers associated with neurocriminogenic factor in IntimatePartnerViolence (IPV) perpetration. Current studies revealed that men condemned for IPV show deficits in their capacity to empathize. Empathy is a cognitive-affective ability, associated with the mirror neuron system, and its deterioration is associated with violent behaviors. It activates both when individuals perform an action, and when they observe others performing the same action, affecting therefore, the tendency to automatically imitate and synchronize facial expressions with the interlocutor. Ergo, the implementation of an instrument of facial recognition of emotions could be a reliable option to evaluate the empathic response