Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th International Conference on Mental Health & Human Resilience, will be organized around the theme “”
Mental Health 2018 is comprised of 12 tracks and 75 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Mental Health 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Philosophical and ethical themes in mental health
- Track 1-2Mental health across the life span
- Track 1-3Mental health legislation
- Track 1-4Mental health services and policies
- Track 1-5Fighting against stigma
- Track 1-6Evidence based mental health care
- Track 1-7Poverty and loneliness
- Track 1-8Mental health in developing regions
- Track 1-9eMental health services
- Track 2-1Psychological resilience
- Track 2-2Biological models of resilience
- Track 2-3Approaches to resilience
- Track 2-4Vulnerability and Resilience
- Track 2-5Loss, Trauma and Human Resilience
- Track 2-6Psychology of Human Resilience
- Track 3-1Physical and biological interventions
- Track 3-2Psychosocial interventions
- Track 3-3Spiritual interventions
- Track 3-4Therapeutic relationship aspects of psychiatric nursing
- Track 3-5Organization of mental health care
- Track 4-1Stress management programmes
- Track 4-2Rehabilitation for persons with psychiatric illness
- Track 4-3Electro-convulsive therapy
- Track 4-4Mental Health Counselling
- Track 4-5School mental health programmes
- Track 4-6Child Psychotherapy
- Track 5-1Cultural Understanding of Illness/wellness
- Track 5-2Cultural Models of Clinical Practice
- Track 5-3Etiology & Prevention of Mental Illness
- Track 5-4Psychological Aspects of Medical Illness
- Track 5-5Advance in diagnosis for mental health
- Track 5-6Brain-stimulation treatments
- Track 5-7Management of mental health disorders
- Track 5-8Psychopharmacology
- Track 6-1Anxiety disorders
- Track 6-2Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Track 6-3Affective Disorders
- Track 6-4Autism and Severe Developmental Disorders
- Track 6-5Complex Attachment Disorders
- Track 6-6Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Track 6-7Movement Disorders
- Track 6-8Eating disorders
- Track 7-1Drug Abuse
- Track 7-2Co-occurring disorders
- Track 7-3Treatment program for drug addiction
- Track 7-4Conditions Diagnosed
- Track 7-5The Influence of Developmental Stage
- Track 8-1Early intervention and prevention
- Track 8-2Death, Dying, Grieving
- Track 8-3Spirituality/beliefs
- Track 8-4Disaster intervention
- Track 8-5Relapse prevention in Alcoholism
- Track 8-6Suicide Prevention
- Track 8-7Substance abuse related problemsÂ
- Track 9-1Body’s Stress Response
- Track 9-2Acute and chronic stress
- Track 9-3Social support
- Track 9-4Anxiety disorders
- Track 9-5Stress management
- Track 10-1First Episode Psychosis
- Track 10-2Psychiatric problems associated to medical conditions
- Track 10-3Types of psychosis
- Track 10-4Depression, anxiety, sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation
- Track 10-5Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, HIV, syphilis
- Track 10-6Epilepsy, Stroke
- Track 10-7Rapid tranquilization, Drugs and medication, Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Track 11-1Humanistic psychology
- Track 11-2Neuroscientific approach
- Track 11-3Factors for positive psychology
- Track 11-4Positive psychology techniques
- Track 11-5Optimism and helplessness
- Track 12-1Treatment Issues for Women with Mental Illness
- Track 12-2Women & Psychiatric Disorders
- Track 12-3Mental status examination
- Track 12-4Womens Mental Health in Special Populations